Many students struggle in school without knowing why. It’s hard to improve your skills when you don’t know what’s holding you back.

If your child struggles to make progress with their academics…continues to bring home low or failing grades..if you find homework sessions lasting 2, 3, or more hours…if you feel that something is not “clicking” with your child…they’re constantly losing homework, keys…frequently distracted…diminishing self-esteem… this message is for you. Here’s why…

You can finally discover what is truly holding your child back from their learning potential as we uncover hidden barriers to academic, social, and emotional progress.

And it’s important to realize that the longer your child struggles, the more difficult, discouraged, and despondent they may become.

If you think “it will get better” but have not taken steps to uncover what your child needs to thrive, it just gets worse (and your child continues to fall further and further behind).

Unsupported, learning difficulties do not get better over time. They get worse.

When facing learning difficulties with their child, most parents hope and pray that “it’s just a rough year” and try to “wait it out.” 

You may take away privileges and technology at home, constantly email your child’s teachers to ask for extra work or more time for assignments, or even switch schools looking for the “right program” to help your child. 

But without uncovering what is truly at the core of your child’s learning difficulty, most of these efforts do not produce results that move your child forward. This is usually because:

  • You don’t know what support to ask the school for 
  • Your child is not getting the right interventions
  • Your child may have an undiagnosed learning difference or attention disorder getting in the way of their progress

Learning gaps compound each year your child fails to get the right support. 

Countless teacher conferences and well-meaning tutors that don’t deliver results that translate into better school outcomes are frustrating (not to mention expensive). 

Over time, it becomes harder and harder to see how your child will gain the skills they need, let alone catch up.

Research shows that early intervention helps diminish the adverse impact of learning difficulties on a student’s career. 

Support for your child is one click away. 

Over the past ten years, I have worked with hundreds of students, families, and teachers to uncover student learning barriers.

I’ve worked with teachers and parents like you who worked tirelessly to figure out how to help struggling students best. 

A common sentiment from parents and teachers alike was that they had no clue what kind of support the child needed to succeed without further assessment.  

Getting appropriate support for your child will be nearly impossible without comprehensive assessments.

Here at the Center for Student Potential and Growth®, we offer the following services: 

Learning Style Inventory Assessment

The Center for Student Potential and Growth ® provides a comprehensive Learning Style Inventory Assessment to help you understand your child’s unique learning style. This assessment will help you identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses and uncover any learning disabilities they may have.

Learn more and see the difference this assessment can make for your child’s education.

ADHD Testing 

We conduct comprehensive assessments to determine if your child has symptoms that meet the diagnostic criteria of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Inattentive, Hyperactivity, or Combined type). This can be beneficial in helping your child get additional support at school if you suspect an attention disorder is impacting your child’s learning. 

Learn more and see if you or your child has an undiagnosed attention disorder. 

Advocacy Services and Educational Consulting

Most parents I work with aren’t educators and may be intimidated when asking for help from the school. And that’s okay!

We help you each step of the way as you work with the school to get your child the help they need.

Whether your child is beginning to struggle with school or has been for a while, there are steps you, as a parent, can take.

We offer advocacy support on a case-by-case basis, which can help if your child has IEP (Individual Education Program) or 504 Plan meeting you need support with. We offer advocacy services on a donation basis for a limited number of families who need help with IEP/504 development, understanding evaluation results, or working through other concerns with the evaluation process.  

Call us to see if you would be a good fit for advocacy support. 

We also have our Parent Advocates for Student Success (P.A.S.S.) Academy for parents who want to learn more about the special education process and want to become parent advocates for themselves and others. This program is offered in a cohort model that empowers parents with the tools needed to advocate confidently for the services their child needs to experience success at school.